Paris Book Festival 2018 Winner

Who won the Paris Book Festival 2018?

Dearly DeBloggers,

Happy to report that Myla Blackbird, self-proclaimed Lunatic, and the star of both my novels (The Lunatics 2013 & The Lunatics: Push, Tumble & Fall 2018), has done me all the way right.

The Lunatics: Push, Tumble and Fall won first place in the Paris Book Festival 2018 in the Young Adult category.

Myla Blackbird is broken, she’s human, she’s real, she’s irreverent, she’s 17, and she believes in the only thing that’s really important – herself. She is my hero. And I am so pleased that she is your hero too. Thank you for voting Myla Blackbird & The Lunatics all the way to first place!

So how can I get a copy? It’s currently in query with literary agents, but I do have some General Availability proof copies for a selected few. Email me at and I will make it happen.