Guess what! I am one day early!

The Poisoned Apple Tree has made it to 51K words, and the good news is that I got the cool “I won” badge from NANOWRIMO, and the other cool thing is that I have a first draft of my new novel! The not so cool news is that this novel will realistically need another 10-15K words (about a week and a half), to really complete the first draft. I will continue to write and take it to the end hopefully over the next week or so.

Then the real work begins. Revision.

Question for the audience:

Do you think you should write a first draft all the way through before going back and revising?


Do you think you should stop midway, revise, and then finish?

Stephen King says A. I think I will do that with this novel. I am so close to the end of it and I have taken no peeks at all to what I have written before – the fact that I had a character map/and location map when I began to write really helped me not have to go back and remember which characters, or what the location looked like….

Congrats to me!