Checking in With Dearly DeBloggers

Dearly DeBloggers,

After spending one whole month of literary abandon with NANOWRIMO and completing (well almost completing), the first draft of THE POISONED APPLE TREE, – I am beat.

I am taking a break for about two to three weeks – and taking one last pass at THE INNOCENTS, which will be coming out in Kindle March/April of 2012! Very exciting!

It is really hard to step away from TPAT for a whole month, but I think its very much needed. I have been away from it for two days, and new ideas are already forming, new things taking shape. Amazing what can happen to the well when you let it fill back up again.

In other news I just completed reading Beth Hull’s new novel, THE BLACK CITY, and I have to say…I think HARRY POTTER has met his match. I promise to bring you a preview soon once I clear it with Beth! Her novel made it to the Baker’s Dozen contest! Very exciting! I think we will all be downloading THE BLACK CITY on Kindle very soon!!