Zombies: The Real Life Living Dead

Never seen anything like it….

This weekend.  Thirteen of us. In total. In my immediate family.  I so lovingly refer to them as “the Tribe.”

Friday night.  One of the toddlers (my toddler), wakes up at 11 PM.  Vomit all over the place. I call my mother for help but she can’t come to the phone since…she’s stuck in the bathroom with Diarrhea.  14xs in twenty minutes.

Half hour later.

My sister in law. Diarrhea and Vomit all over the place.

4 AM.  Adult #3. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit.

7 AM. Adult #4. Diarrhea. Vomit. Fatigue. Vomit x 4.

9 AM Adult  #5 & #6 report nausea.  Two hours later.  You guessed it. Vomit fest.

Saturday early afternoon.  I start feeling dizzy.  Two hours later I am begging for my life to end I feel so horrible. Vomit. Vomit. Diarrhea. Diarrhea. Vomit. Times six.

Adult # 8, 9, 10 & Kid #2 & 3…okay. So you get the picture. We were all getting infected with “the virus.”

The news said there was some kind of “stomach thing” going around, but I know the truth.

This weekend.  My family and I. Became Zombies.