Under the Weather : My Wednesday Post

Dear Peeps, I will make it short and sweet today because yours truly is not feeling all that fantastic.

Congratulations to all the semi-finalists for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest! The Innocents made it to the Quarterfinals, but was not passed on to the finals.  But I already feel like I won! I beat 4,750 entries! Not too shabby.  Not shabby at all.

Now I can keep querying  The Innocents.

I have officially embraced my new project Starr (working title, YA novel).  Characters are coming alive, naming their own pets and everything!  I am hoping to have that one finished by the end of the year, and who knows, maybe I will give Amazon another try with my new novel, OR I may have found the agent of my dreams by then.

Ahhh…the possibilities! Right? You must believe to receive…it’s as simple as that.

Toodles. 7NB.