The Fight to the Death!

Dearly DeBloggers,

This is my first – but not my last post – I’m sure, with regards to The Hunger Games! The movie is out March 26 and I can’t hardly wait…

For those of you who read the book – you understand how the novelist, so masterfully, catapulted readers right into the post-apocalyptic world of Capitol City. The Hunger Games was an exciting read from page one! The characters rich and unforgettable – Katniss, at only seventeen, chosing to save her sister’s life. Peeta, the young baker boy – madly in love with a girl he can never have….the bloodbaths of the deadly game!

Does anything else need to be said?

By the time I finished the book, I felt like I was one of the characters, like I had been completely and utterly submerged in this world and I did not want to come back. Now this, my Dearly Debloggers, this is good writing.

Let’s talk craft a little.

What really gets me about THG is that the idea itself is not fresh at all. It’s an old idea recycled (i.e, The Running Man) – and did it matter at all? Did we care for even one second that we’d seen this plot before? Albeit, not in teen fiction (well okay, maybe Lord of the Flies?)  but still…not a new plot by any means.

And that just goes to prove once more….its not about plot people….its about the characters the writer creates and the choices they have to make – no matter (do I dare say it) the plot.

I hope you join me March 26 as we all watch in amazement….The Fight to the Death.