Rant: Completely Unrelated to Writing

Dearly Debloggers,

What is the deal with pictures nowadays? Seriously, are we supposed to keep photo albums of all family moments? Because I know I am, and man, do they require a lot of space! I have like…I don’t know….fifteen leather bound photo albums (and that’s just the last ten years) before that, I have them all in boxes…

I also keep a CD of all the pics I print – but it’s starting to pile up. And now, with the iPhone pics! Wow, it can really get out of control.

So I need a plan. A plan for pictures.

I thought – well, maybe an album a year. But that is still too much. In thirty years I will have forty five albums. I have to have the hardcopy, what if the CD’s go bad? What if I forget where I did the backup? Jackson will not have any memories to share with his kids (or significant other).

The truth is that pictures are overrated. It’s too painful to look at what things once were. Where we came from.
Or maybe its just me feeling this way now…due to..well…the circumstances you have all read between the lines about.

As a result – well, I have nothing. No plan for pictures. I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing. Printing the memories that will be passed on to my predecessors.

Maybe I’ll just print the extra special ones.