Book Review: Crank

So here it is.  The big reveal.  I have been reading Crank by Ellen Hopkins. And yes.

This is how must of the book is written.

                                In a semi-poetic verse.

Chunks of Information.  Just like this.

And this is partially the reason why it took me forever times forever to pick it up.

A book about drugs (depressing), and not the fake fun drugs like Black’s “nevermore,” and it’s written how?

It is a story about a sixteen year old girl who meets

“the monster” (code for crank, speed, methamphetamines).

And how her life is completely consumed and changed by her romance with the drug.

My experience reading Crank: I opened the first page and my eyes rolled so far back in my head I thought I’d never read another book again.  This whole “verse” thing was going to take some getting used to.  But turns out the joke was on me.  I was quickly sucked into the character by page ten.

I was completely blown away to pieces by Hopkins’ ability to craft a volatile yet impersonal voice in first point of view!

What Hopkins creates using this style of writing is something very special.  It makes the reader participate in a lot of the character creation, which is evokes an experience for the reader in it of itself.

But what it also does it creates a separation between the main character, and herself.  It reads very cold yet very emotional. It’s almost as if the character was watching her life happen before her eyes and telling us about it.  For me, this mirrors a lot what being addicted to a drug is like.  You are not a participant of life, only a spectator.

The story itself was very realistic.  Nothing extraordinary.  And yet it was amazing.  Just the simple truth of what happens to humans when you add: Crank.

I highly recommend this book, specially to writers.  Hopkins deserves an award for this book and I can’t hardly believe she doesn’t have one! Does she?

To learn more about Ellen Hopkins click here Ellen Hopkins