Is Cold Shower Really a Blessing?

Salem Al Fakir is a twenty-eight year old singer songwriter from Stockholm. I was fortunate to find one of his songs during our stumble through Auragasm music…where you can find new talent.

Salem has proven to be not just a great musician, but a pretty incredible poet as well. In his song “Cold Shower,” he starts off with a dialogue with himself – which is pretty comical.

“I thought I was the greatest one.”
“Of course I wasn’t”

And then he breaks into one of the best chorus’ I have heard of in a long time:

“Cold shower is a blessing, maybe tomorrow you can answer the question, is cold shower really a blessing?”

What does it mean? I couldn’t quiet explain it….except that for me, I GET IT! I have felt that “feeling” he is capturing before…and it’s not about a cold shower, or about a blessing…but that feeling that the verse conveys. For me, the feeling is a combination of hope on the verge of discovery, with a dash of melancholy. That, is poetry.

For more on Salem you can visit his website here: oh yeah, and its in Swedish…so google translator…do your magic!

Enjoy! I will be reviewing more lyrics next week! (She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak…)