And he calls me “auntie”

My little guy Jackson Lennon is a little over two years old. He is as cute as he can be, dark blond hair, green eyes, red lips and dimples. He and I go way back…almost 27 months ago, when I was a first time Mama, and he was a first time baby. We made it through the delivery together, teaming up like champs.

Imagine how proud I was when he began to call me Mama. Unfortunately all that came to a screeching halt when we moved to Miami and my Jackson Lennon started hanging out with his new heroes – my nephews (6 and 8).
My nephews call me “auntie” – and I have now become “auntie” for my son.
While we are at the grocery store – “auntie”, if we are at the doctor- “auntie”, if we go to the park -“auntie”, if he is hungry -“auntie dinner”. Auntie, auntie, auntie!
And of course, because my nephews call my sister “Mom” – Jackson Lennon calls my sister, his real “auntie” – MOM!