Book Review – Vampire Academy (And the Lemonade Diet)

I know I am a little late writing this blog, but hey! It’s still Monday! So it counts as “on-time”.  Part of the reason why I am late today is because my good friend, who will we will Rebecca (to protect the innocent), talked me into doing this seven day fast to “cleanse our system”.  

The Stanley Burroughs Lemonade Diet.  Also known as “The Master Cleanser”.  Well, it should be known as the “Master Destroyer of Any Semblance of an Active Life” because that was one of the toughest things I have ever done! I was supposed to drink this Lemonade (limes, maple syrup and cayenne pepper), 6-12 times today and not eat anything else for seven days.  Well, I lasted for exactly thirteen hours until I called it quits.  I need my energy! 

And I know that monks do it, and they get a ton of energy, but I am not a monk sitting on a mountain meditating for hours on end.  I have to chase a toddler, keep a household, study, write, and workout!  Phew! 

Excuse me while I laugh some more at myself for thinking that I could go seven days on lemonade! 

Okay, enough about that.  Let’s get to it.  Book review.

I finally picked up Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.  I had been meaning to read this book for a while, since it is on the New York Times Best Seller list for YA. 

It was a quick read and it was interesting.  A good idea: An academy for vampires.  

We follow around the good vampires (the mortal ones called Moroi), and the bad vampires (the undead immortal ones – called Strigoi).  Almost the whole novel takes place inside the walls of the Vampire Academy. And of course, there is no lack of cute male vampires gracing the halls of the academy – which makes VA a fun read.

The book is written in the first person with a strong protagonist, a teen girl named Rose.  She is studying at the academy to graduate as a vampire guardian.  She is half vampire half human making her a Damphir.  Rose has a strong bond (a psychic one) with her charge, Lissa (a mortal vampire and a royal princess).

It was a quick, fun read – and the beginning of a very well known series.

I give the Vampire Academy six magic wands. 

To find out more about Richelle Mead click here

To find out more about the “Master Cleanser” click here