Brian Jud’s How To Sell More Books 2012 –

Dearly DeBloggers,

If you attended the CreateSpace webinar last night hosted by Brian Jud, perhaps you will share my sentiment. It was geared towards too much planning on paper. I was expecting tips on how to sell books via e-marketing platforms.
I did appreciate the fact that Brian Jud did make it very clear that it is our job to make this our business! Writing is fun, yes, we were born to write, yes, we would die if we don’t put some of these crazy characters/fantasies/worlds on the page (or we’d burst into flames!), yes!  But the reality still remains that as with anything else that makes money…writing has that business side.

Thank you Brian Jud for reminding us of this very important fact, and do please continue bringing us webinars. E-marketing would be a great one! We are all ears!

And turn on your HD Faces on your gotowebinar -it makes it for a cozier and more engaging meeting!